How plants can benefit the Feng Shui of the house, business office ?
in the other hand, how plants can grow beautiful when put them at the correct direction?
How to select best plants according to the Feng Shui directions ?
Here you are some interesting Tips:
1) At main entrance of the house ,apartment, or business office, in general speaking: :
1.1- if the door opens to east direction, you can put bamboo or money tree.
1.2 –if the person is metal element person. it is good using brasilian iron tree os another similar plant with similar shape. Also, you can use corn plant at main entrance door
1.3- for people who are wood or fire person , use plantas with round shape leaves, red colour . In general, almost all the plants are good for wood and fire person.
In general:, plants to put outside of the house, according to each person ming:
wood person: asparagus fern, jade plant, ginseng ficusmicrocarpa, orchid, Rhodea japonica, Rhapis multifidaBurr, airbrom leaf, Valuable coconut, mini coconut , are examples
metal person: white orchid, murraya jasminorage, Silver Laurel, Fujian Tea, golden lily, Michelia fuscata, Milan, Osmamthus fragrans var and honeysuckle., are sme of examples
water person: Brasenia schreberi, Neottopterisnidus, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Beaucarnea recurvataLem, Ivory, mosaic Ivy, mosaic rich bamboo, Brazil, Crinum asiaticum L.,Chlorophytum comosum and oil tea camellia., are some of examples
fire person: Bougainvillea, Flos albiziae, Camellia japonica, dragon tree, asparagus fern, Scheffleraoctophylla, ivy, cinnamon, Brazil Ti, Pachira macrocarpaand Polyscias fruticosa are some of examples
Earth person: Michelia fuscata, Milan, bracket-plant with golden heart, may flower, Millennium wood, mini Ti, colorful Ti, and Pandanus utilis are some examples.
The color of plants, shape of leaves and flowerss are important to observe according to the five elements and Feng Shui . Next post i am going to describe more details. Enjoy.
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