Chapter 1:
Who am I?
“Knowing others is wisdom; knowing the self is enlightenment.
Mastering others requires force; mastering the self needs strength.
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Perseverance is a sign of willpower.
He who stays where he is endures.
To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.”
—Tao Te Ching
Do you really understand who you are? Do you really know and understand who you are? Is a mere guest to a hotel really carry loyalty towards the hotel? Do you not want to enjoy the quality of the hotel as though it were your own home? When you find the true sacred connection to the “hotel” you will find the true meaning of “who am I.” A guest to the hotel merely checks in for the material comfort; whereas, someone who is truly connected or has ownership in the hotel takes the time to appreciate and know that hotel. Guests just check in and out, but when they find that loyal connection they check in and find the true meaning of “who am I.”
Concept of Jing Qi Shen.
Jing is the essence of life. The Qi is the vital life force of the human body. Shen is spirit in charge of human wisdom and intelligence. Jing and Qi are like the water and shen is comparable to the fish. If you have a great quality of water then this will make the fish happy and long lived. Through life’s journey humans either increase or decrease the quantity and quality of jing and Qi. Lust for material things can decrease the quality and longevity of life along with the sacred power of the shen.
Material self.
Shi Shen is the spirit of intelligence. It is the administrator of all the organs and this in return relates to all the emotions. Shi Shen collects, processes and creates the intelligence of the world both inside and outside of you. Shi Shen starts form complete innocence at birth and evolves until one gains extreme intelligence through the journey of life. Give up learning and put an end to your troubles. Practice the Tao everyday until you decrease your intelligence. Intelligence will not allow you to know the Tao.
My master Cheng Li Yu taught me how to become a humble, lovely dummy. By collecting and understanding the world and then detaching myself from that world I became a lovely dummy. To become a lovely dummy is to gain access to the sacred gate of mysticism. A wise man often appears like a fool. Do not try to become too smart; rather, try to become that lovely dummy, so that you too may gain the key to the sacred gate of immortality.
Spiritual self.
Yuan Shen is the original sacred spirit before during and after life. Yuan Shen is on an assignment in your bodily or human life journey and has no loyalty to the material self but rather it increases and decreases the its sacred quality and power based on the quality of the material self. The Yuan Shen in 99.9999 percent of the population comes from reincarnation. Only one in a million Yuan Shen’s come from the world of immortals. In an ordinary humans life you maintain the best quality of Yuan Shen by nurturing jing and Qi. In doing so you balance your health and heal disease. Understand this Taoist philosophy and you can reestablish lost connections to the sacred world. Through cultivating secret alchemical techniques you will find a way to go beyond normal human reincarnation and into the immortal world.
Relationship between yuan shen and shi shen.
At the beginning of human life there is no existence of a Shi Shen. When humans learn the access to the material world this gives birth to the Shi Shen. Humans are meant to evolve from the innocence of a newborn baby, to the intelligence of youth, and on to the wisdom of the peak power of the Shi Shen. At the same time Shi Shen is evolving, Yuan shen starts from a birth of spooky capabilities and evolves towards numbness or unawareness to its true ability. Yuan Shen and Shi Shen are like master and servant living in the same room with their position and power changing all the time. The wise man learns to be a dummy and the intelligent man fights for an empty statue of “self.”
Follow nature to death; reverse nature to immortality
In a life’s journey birth, growth, aging, and death are an ordinary human beings nature. We are born with innocence, grow with many struggles, age with stress, and finally, we die with regret and helplessness. The ordinary human does not have control over their life’s destiny. Thereby, they continually fall into the cycle of reincarnation from one life journey to another. When we learn the secret cultivating techniques to reverse aging and increase the quality of life we will then follow birth to growing with virtue and happiness and growing to immortality. Cultivating immortality reverses the destiny of human nature. We have the power to design our own human life. By designing where, how, and when to live you are the true master of the self. My master lived to 130 years old. She is a living proof of human immortality. My master’s story is a living proof of human immortality.
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