Happiness is the only purpose of life
Life is a journey! We come to this existence to enjoy life rather than to be entertained by life. You come into life and you will go from life with nothing in the material. All we have is the glory and enjoyment of living in this short journey. Being human is a gift of the Tao. We all have emotions and desires. We are a combination of the material and spiritual life. In this journey we find a way to balance both the material and spiritual life and to make the best of it. In this book we will learn to enjoy, understand and respect our emotions and desires. We must all entertain and enjoy life each in our own unique way. This book will guide the reader in learning a way to live passionately with self and others.
The Tao follows what is nature and then unites with heaven as one. This is the core philosophy of Taoism. Through my own personal story of being a Taoist priest I will explain the Taoist living philosophy in a very practical way. By looking at life from another angle I will provide a way to understand that life is a joyful journey. We are all the creator and entertainer of our own personal joyful lives.
Taoism has an over five thousand year history. Western society has few explanations or understandings of this practical Taoist philosophy. Very few people in Western culture know about Taoism. Due to a number of reasons, including philosophy and language barriers, Taoism has remained mystical to the West. I have been a Taoist priest from the age of six years old. I was honorably chosen from a five thousand year old Taoist lineage by my immortal Grand Master Li to carry on this sacred tradition and wisdom to the West. Having been living in the United States for over 18 years now and learning the culture; making friends with thousands of people, I have gained some access to the way to communicate with people from the west. This book will explain the way to understand the mystical meaning of life and to answer some of the basic questions of mankind; the basic questions that all religions try to answer. I am the communicator between the east and west to explain the mystical secrets of life. I am also here to share and entertain this ancient knowledge with the world. I don’t expect people to believe everything that I tell, rather I present this knowledge of the Tao from my own understanding of 34 years of practicing Taoism, so that people in the West can perhaps begin to entertain some of these philosophies in there personal and intellectual discussions.
Happiness is the only purpose of life. Taoism introduces to humans a way to live a happy life in a very practical way. I will introduce a way to understand life, cultivate life and go beyond the ordinary human life to become an extraordinary human. We are all growing into heaven. We live in heaven every day. Life is our heaven and life can be our hell. There is no physical heaven or hell, it is in living that we create these concepts. We are not here to suffer from or to redeem our “sins,” rather we are here to find the true value, dignity and respect of life. We are here to rebuild the connection between our personal “heaven” and “earth.” We are here to balance and harmonize everyday life. Everyone has free access to the gateway of returning home. This access to the gateway all starts from learning the secret of enjoying life today and at this moment. I am the ambassador and messenger of the ancient Tao to the modern life of the west.
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